Helping You Cope With & Stop



Bullying Tactics: Silence and Violence

Bullying Tactics: Silence and Violence Can you recall having a wonderful 2-way conversation with someone? Yes? Good. Remember that it is possible. This memory, or anchor, can serve as your reality check when you are faced with having to converse with a difficult workplace bully using silence and violence techniques and you just can't seem to connect. Do You? Wonder why the person in question is not "hearing you"? Doubt yourself, thinking "what…

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10 Tips To Say What You Mean to Say

Wouldn't it be great to say what you want to say, not at the expense of yourself or others? A lot of being able to do that is due to confidence - and that can sometimes take a long time to build. Here are 10 tips you can try, even if you are not all that confident (yet)! 1. When you want to get off the phone..."Before I let you go, is there anything else?" 2. When your long-winded co-worker says "Have you got…

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Top Tips To Build Your Self Confidence From Bullies

Top Tips To Build Your Self Confidence From Bullies First Point: If we were to hold a seminar called “How To Increase Your Self Esteem”, we know many people would not attend as who wants to be seen going into a session like that? You would have to have a high level of self-esteem to enter into the door! Second Point: Self esteem is at the core of our being and let’s face it, many people all over the world suffer for various reasons with ‘lower self…

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How To Gain Back Control From Being Bullied

How To Gain Back Control From Being Bullied True or False? How we feel about ourselves crucially affects almost every aspect of our experience of life. Answer: True. Next question: How would you rate yourself right now (on a scale of 1 - 5, 5 being 'excellent') for "How do I feel about myself?" - considering your current or past bullying situation. Not a 5? Read on to see how you can protect yourself from feeling "worse" and instead feel…

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Workplace Bullying Policy: Purpose and Statement

Workplace Bullying Policy: Purpose and Statement What You Can Do To Create Your Template for a Bully Free at Work Workplace Bullying Policy: Why is it someone has to get killed before the construction of a traffic light or stop sign? The same can be said for organizations in creating respectful workplaces (and being protective against workplace bullying). Why wait? You might want to also read Why Most Bullying Policies Don’t Work & What You Can…

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Workplace Bullying Policy: Complaint-Resolution Process

Workplace Bullying Policy: Complaint-Resolution Process What You Can Do To Create Your Template for a Bully Free at Work Workplace Bullying Policy: Have you ever been in a store or restaurant and the person helping you is indifferent to your customer experience while the sign above their head reads: “We value our customers”?  It is almost as if they are saying, “If the customer would just go away, I could get my work done.”  Without the customer, there is…

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Workplace Bullying Policy: Taking Action for Top Results

Workplace Bullying Policy: Taking Action for Top Results What You Can Do To Create Your Template for a Bully Free at Work Workplace Bullying Policy: Most targets want to take action when they feel they’ve been bullied. However, did you know that only 11% went to their manager? And only 8% went through their company’s grievance procedure! That is why it is imperative to make sure your Taking Action Process is safe and clear. Step 1: Purpose, Statement and…

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Workplace Bullying Policy: Consequences for Bullying

Workplace Bullying Policy: Consequences for Bullying What You Can Do To Create Your Template for a Bully Free at Work Workplace Bullying Policy: Did you know that most workplaces do not have a workplace bullying policy?  If they do, many are unaware or they have only skimmed over the policy in a new employee orientation or read it in a handbook somewhere.   The struggle most organizations face is creating consequences for bullying behavior.  Does your…

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Workplace Bullying Policy: Creating Buy In

Workplace Bullying Policy: Creating Buy In What You Can Do To Create Your Template for a Bully Free at Work Workplace Bullying Policy: With one out of six people reporting being bullied at some time in their lifetime at work, it would make sense to think that most employees would not object to having a workplace bullying policy that can protect the respectful workplace they are hoping to be able to work within. Creating a policy would be most…

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Handling Workplace Bullying and Stress: What Will You Do?

Handling Workplace Bullying and Stress: What Will You Do? When one experiences the despair, confusion and challenge of workplace bullying, we will behave in a number of ways - some of them are conscious and some of them are unconscious.  Peace comes from the ability to feel a sense of perceived control over one's circumstances and existence.  Just know it is our ability to make conscious choices that can allow you feeling more in control, and thus find the peace you are…

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