Valerie’s AV Needs and Meeting Room Set-Up:
- Valerie will bring her own laptop (Mac), standard remote, and a Mac adapter cord for any PowerPoint presentations (LCD Projector not provided).
- Cordless lavaliere microphone or ear headset is required for audience sizes 40+ people.
- Please ensure the availability of an A/V person and sound check 30 minutes before Valerie’s presentation (or 30 minutes before official program if there is less than a 15-minute turnaround time between presentations).
- Please do not set up screen in the middle of the stage if possible unless screen is above the presenter.
- Preferable to have a 2-foot high stage for audience sizes over 200 people, minimum size 12 feet wide.
- If theatre-style seating, ensure middle aisle is no wider than 6 feet wide.
- If using round tables, have no more than 6 people per table.
- Please insure lights in front of screen are turned off (keep all other lights on).
- Have one small table for LCD Projector and computer.
- Have one 8-foot table at the back of the room, skirted, for book signing.