Helping You Cope With & Stop



Workplace Bullying Inspiration: Nobility and Self-Discipline

Here is some Inspiration to help you stop workplace bullying:

Inspiration is the key in creating an encouraging atmosphere.  This helps to build the strength needed to take those steps you’d like to take in order to bully proof yourself and establish clear boundaries.

Consider the virtues of: Nobility and Self-Discipline

These words of wisdom are from the Virtues Project™

Sometimes when the environment of experiencing workplace bullying occurs, we can get lost and create a narrow perspective that does not honor who we are really meant to be.  How do you keep the faith?

Nobility and Self-Discipline.  “Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me” – we need both encouragement and accountability to grow to any new level.


Nobility is keeping faith with our true values as spiritual beings.  We treat ourselves and others with dignity and respect.  We speak and act graciously.  We choose the moral high road regardless of the cost.  If others try to bring us down, we remain steadfast, remembering our true worth.  Our sense of decency is our touchstone.  The world’s temptations cannot divert us from our purpose.  We don’t follow the path of least resistance.  We lead principled lives.  We live the good life.

The Practice of Nobility

  • I know I was created noble.
  • I have high ethical standards.
  • I treat every person with dignity.
  • I am guided by decency.
  • I don’t allow others to mislead me.
  • I am my own leader.


Self-discipline is having the self control to do only what we truly choose to do, rather than being blown about in the winds of our desires.  Self-discipline gives us the will to persevere.  It helps us to meet our goals, to be productive instead of procrastinating.  It keeps us from saying or doing things we would regret.  We are vigilant and honest with ourselves, which frees us to live by our highest values.  We are able to weed out bad habits and cultivate good ones.  Self-mastery is fulfilling to our souls.

The Practice of Self-Discipline

  • I have the self-control to make wise choices.
  • I resist distractions.
  • I persevere in meeting my goals.
  • I get things done.
  • I have the strength to be tactful.
  • I carefully cultivate my character.

We’d love to hear your thoughts to encourage and support others.  Feel free to reply to us any time – you just might make the difference for someone today!

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5 responses to “Workplace Bullying Inspiration: Nobility and Self-Discipline”

  1. Very outstanding site.
    The info here is genuinely important.

    I will share it with my friends.


  2. Ramesh Pai says:

    31 May 09
    This comment is for Magaera |

    To hit back is the only action that such bullies understand and hit back real hard by words and deeds – choose proper situation when there are many peole – who know the boss – are around.
    Follow this simple procedure. Talk directly or over the phone and tell that ” you are rude, arrogant. you insult and humiliate – I cant take such treatment any longer. I’ll simply fire back

    After couple of weeks give WARNING of – what you will do if the treatment continues.
    If the bully does not change then give real hard demonstration. When someone treats you badly you too have every right to hit back – and it need not be proportionate and dont bother about work ethics mannesrisms.

    Why wait for 4 years or more and practice mercy and the other virtues of the weakest?

    I have tried and tested this technique. Fot additioonal advice do respond!

    Nobility, Mercy, Self-descipline etc are for the weak who are not capable of doing anything else accept show mercy to those who donot deserve it!

    With warm regards,

    Ramesh Pai

  3. Vivien says:

    This is so sad – and very real as to the effects of bullies. I think the tone that this blog has taken is not very helpful. Bullies have been a problem for me several times in my career and they cause a lot of damage. When will we see some good advice about fighting back, instead of these passive go-along, get-along pieces of advice?

    Good luck, Megaera, and bless you.

  4. Cheri says:

    what do you say to the person doing the bulling? I agree that I try to act professional but this person is very sneaky and everyone is afraid of her. They don’t want her to turn on them.

  5. Megaera says:

    This post describes exactly how I felt and acted all the time I was being bullied – 4 years. No matter what my bully said or did to me, I held on to the belief that I was working for my community and that that outweighed what she was trying to do. I always did my best and acted professionally and did my job well in spite of what I was enduring. The result? Two weeks ago, after taking a week’s vacation, I came back to find that the lock to my office door had been changed and that I was terminated. No reason, no warning, nothing. All accomplished while I wasn’t there to defend myself, nor was I allowed to when I was fired.I would never have known why if the Administrator hadn’t inadvertantly let it slip that it was due to my bully’s actions. Now I stand to lose my home and everything I worked so hard for, and I feel I failed my community.

    It’s good to have ideals and to work for them. But it won’t keep a roof over your head or meals on the table in a small town where the business with the bullies is the only place to work. That’s the reality of it.

Valerie Cade, CSP is a Workplace Bullying Expert, Speaker and Author of "Bully Free at Work: What You Can Do To Stop Workplace Bullying Now!" which has been distributed in over 100 countries worldwide. For presentations and consulting on workplace bullying prevention and respectful workplace implementation, go to

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