Helping You Cope With & Stop



Workplace Bullying Inspiration: Diligence and Detachment

Here is some Inspiration to help you stop workplace bullying:

Inspiration is the key in creating an encouraging atmosphere.  This helps to build the strength needed to take those steps you’d like to take in order to bully proof yourself and establish clear boundaries.

Consider the virtues of: Diligence and Detachment
These words of wisdom are from the Virtues Project™


Diligence is doing what needs to be done with care, concentration and single-pointed attention.  It springs from our desire for excellence.  When we work with diligence, we give our absolute best.  We are artisans, crafting whatever we create with love.  We work meticulously in alignment with our purpose.  Diligence is needed in tending our relationships.  We choose them with discernment, then give them our full commitment, job, love and excellence to keep them strong and alive.  Diligence is deeply satisfying to our souls.

“Genius is 10% inspiration, and 90% perspiration.” – Thomas Alva Edison

The Practice of Diligence

  • I strive for excellence.
  • I pay full attention to whatever I am doing.
  • I am conscientious and careful.
  • I work with love.
  • I give my best to my relationships.


Detachment is experiencing our feelings without allowing them to control us.  We step back and look at things objectively.  We let go and accept what we cannot change.  We detach from others’ choices, knowing that their spiritual work is not ours to do.  We choose how we will act rather than just reacting.  We step away from harmful cravings.  Detachment is a deep breath of peace and patience in response to unexpected anger.  We can listen without losing ourselves.  With detachment, we see our mistakes honestly, make amends and start afresh.  Detachment allows us to be in the world but not of it.  It frees us to live our lives with grace.

“You always have the choice to take all things evenly, to hold on to nothing, to receive each irritation as if you had only fifteen minutes to live.” – Tolbert McCarroll

The Practice of Detachment

  • I recognize my feelings without letting them control me.
  • I resist interfering with others’ spiritual lessons.
  • I choose to act instead of react.
  • I free myself from impulses and cravings.
  • I have the humility to amend my mistakes.
  • I lead my life as my soul chooses.

We’d love to hear your thoughts to encourage and support others.  Feel free to reply to us any time – you just might make the difference for someone today!

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One response to “Workplace Bullying Inspiration: Diligence and Detachment”

  1. Charlize says:

    I’m a RN. I take my work very seriously. I worked very hard to earn my degree and see myself as a professional.

    Recently a non licensed co-worker made the statement to me that I must have gotten my degree from a correspondence course. I have to say that I just lost it. I’m now ashamed to say that I did, but in no uncertain terms I told him he could p— off and that I worked bery hard for my degree.

    I’ve heard this unlicensed co-worker slam other RN’s and I’d just had enough. At the time it felt good to put him in his place, but I will not be using that approach again. Now I feel that I was unprofessional and should have handled it better.

    I think his motivation was that he is very limited in what he can do in his job duties, where as a RN has many options. Next time I am going to handle it better and be more professional while standing my ground and letting him know it’s not OK to put down my professional degree in such a way.

Valerie Cade, CSP is a Workplace Bullying Expert, Speaker and Author of "Bully Free at Work: What You Can Do To Stop Workplace Bullying Now!" which has been distributed in over 100 countries worldwide. For presentations and consulting on workplace bullying prevention and respectful workplace implementation, go to

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